It can be very difficult to find the words to talk about an experience of gender-based violence. Talking things through with someone you trust such as a friend, relative or colleague can sometimes help. You may also feel more comfortable talking to a professional. Whoever you decide to talk to, remember, you don’t have to face this alone.

If there is an immediate danger call 999 (or 112 from a mobile). If you are on campus, you can request support from Security by calling 0141 848 3505 (all Scottish campuses) and 0141 848 3047 (for London), or use the SafeZone app. The SafeZone app enables users to call for help and assistance, giving students and employees fast access to security whenever and wherever you are on campus. You can download the SafeZone app by searching 'SafeZone' in the Apple app store or Google Play store.

University Support for Students and Employees:

  • At UWS we want to encourage a culture that is respectful, promotes equality and does not tolerate sexual violence or related misconduct. Our disciplinary procedures provide the means required to take appropriate action where unacceptable behaviour takes place. If someone chooses to make a formal complaint to the University about a student or employee, there are procedures that set out the steps they will need to follow. 
  • Our gender-based violence support page offers support and guidance to students and employees who may be experiencing gender-based violence or related issues.  

University Support for Students:

  • The Hub is the first point of contact for support or questions that you may have during your student journey at UWS. There’s a Hub on every campus and online information and guidance can be accessed by clicking here. Hub employees can signpost and refer you to the appropriate student support team. If you're not sure where to go, this is a good place to start. 
  • Counselling Service. The University’s team of professional counsellors provide confidential support. You can make an appointment by contacting
  • UWS Union Advice Service. This is a free confidential, impartial service where students can get advice and information on academic and personal issues, including advice on academic appeals and representation at hearings.  The Advice Service also has information and guidance for those that have experienced gender-based violence
  • Personal Tutors. If you are a student, you can talk to your personal tutor if you have concerns that are affecting either your course or your personal life. If you do not know who your personal tutor is, you can find out by logging into Self Service Banner and clicking on personal tutor from the menu. 
  • Residence Life Team. If you are a student living in student accommodation you can access support from the Res Life Team by calling Paisley 0141 848 3159 or Ayr 01292 886316, or emailing The team can be an important source of guidance and support for students. 
  • Extenuating Circumstances. If you feel your studies have been affected by something that has happened, you can consider applying for extenuating circumstances. You can speak to your personal tutor if you have any questions or speak to an employee at The Hub. You can also get advice on the process from the Advice Centre in the Union.  

University Support for Employees:

  • People & Wellbeing. Your HR team members will be able to provide guidance and identify the support that’s available for you. You can email the team in confidence via
  • Health Assured is the University’s employee assistance programme. All UWS employees and their immediate family can instantly access free, confidential, personalised health and wellbeing advice and resources 24/7 365 days of the year. You can access full details of how to get in touch with Health Assured on the Employee Hub.
  • Occupational Health is available to support you with any specific concerns you may have about your health and its impact on your wellbeing and role. You can find out more information and details on how to access this confidential service via the Employee Hub.

Other Sources of Support: 

There are many different external organisations offering specialist support for all different kinds of concerns relating to gender-based violence. We have provided a list of some relevant organisations and their area of support: 

Sexual Violence, Sexual Assault and Rape: 

  • Archway provides support and counselling and offers emotional and practical support for those affected by sexual assault in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde areas. Archway is a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) and so can also provide a physical examination for people who have been sexually assaulted in the last 7 days. Archway offers you the option to store forensic evidence in case you need time to think about whether you want to go to the police. Archway services can be accessed by clicking here or by calling 0141 211 8175. 
  • If you are based in Dumfries and Galloway, your local SARC is Nithbank Sexual Health Clinic. This NHS clinic offers a confidential service with the option of anonymous testing, whatever your age, gender or sexual orientation. Click this link for details relating to services offered at this clinic. 
  • If you are based in England, you can locate your closest Sexual Assault Referral Centre by entering your postcode on this page.
  • Victim Support Scotland can provide personalised support and information to you and anyone you know who might be affected by gender-based violence. Click here for Victim Support services in England and Wales. You don’t need to report the crime to receive help from Victim Support. 
  • Rape Crisis Scotland and Rape Crisis (England & Wales) provide a national helpline with support and information for anyone affected by sexual violence. This service is open daily from 6pm to midnight, 365 days a year. 
  • The Survivors Trust provides a comprehensive and coordinated forensic, counselling and aftercare service to men, women and children who have experienced rape or sexual assault, whether this has happened recently or in the past. 
  • Galop is a charity offering support and advice for LGBT+ people who have experienced sexual violence 
  • Survivors UK offers help for boys and men who have been raped or sexually abused. They offer web and SMS chat support. 
  • AMINA (The Muslim Women's Resource Centre) provides a helpline and chat service for women from minority backgrounds who have been affected by violence. Support can be accessed by calling: 0808 801 0301 (Mon - Fri, 10am - 4pm). Support is available in English, Urdu, Arabic, Bangla and Swahili. AMINA also runs a Violence Against Women awareness programme. 

Domestic / Relationship Abuse:

  • Scottish Women’s Aid and Women’s Aid (for England) specialise in providing support to those affected by domestic abuse, including a dedicated helpline with access to independent domestic violence advisors (IDVA), outreach and refuge services. 
  • The Mankind Initiative provides a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence across the UK as well as their friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues and employers. Support can be accessed by calling  01823 334244
  • Refuge provides a 24hr national domestic abuse helpline service (Freephone 0808 2000 247) and guidance on options available to those experiencing domestic abuse.
  • Scotland's Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline provides confidential information and support to anyone affected by forced marriage or domestic abuse. Call the confidential helpline on Freephone: 0800 027 1234 (24-hour service).  The helpline can answer calls in BSL. The Helpline is also available via email and you can also have a web chat by visiting the site
  • AMIS (Abused Men in Scotland) provides support to men who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. Call the confidential helpline on 0808 800 0024 (it's free to call from landlines and most UK mobiles and doesn't appear on itemised phone bills). A similar service is available to those living in England or other parts of the UK via Respect and by calling Freephone 0808 8010327 a men’s advice line for those experiencing domestic abuse. 
  • SACRO Fearless Project is a support service for any man or LGBTI+ person experiencing domestic abuse. 
  • AMINA (The Muslim Women's Resource Centre) provides a helpline and chat service for women from minority backgrounds who have been affected by violence. Support can be accessed by calling: 0808 801 0301 (Mon - Fri, 10am - 4pm). Support is available in English, Urdu, Arabic, Bangla and Swahili. AMINA also runs a Violence Against Women awareness programme.  
  • Stonewall provides guidance for transgender women experiencing domestic violence.
  • Rights of Women has two family law advice lines (one national and one for women in London) for women needing advice on domestic violence, abuse and family law. Rights of Women also provides guidance on domestic violence and the immigration law, for women who have experienced gender-based violence and need advice on their immigration status.

Honour-Based Violence:

  • Refuge provides support and guidance for those experiencing all forms of honour-based violence. Support can be accessed via a 24hr national help and advice line on Freephone 0808 2000 247. 
  • The Halo Project is a national project that will support victims of honour-based violence, forced marriages and FGM by providing appropriate advice and support to victims. 
  • IKWRO is a women's rights organisation that provides advice and support in Arabic, Kurdish, Turkish, Dari and Farsi to women, girls and couples living in Britain, in particular helping women facing domestic violence, forced marriage and honour-based violence. 
  • Karma Nirvana – provides support and advice on protecting yourself if you are experiencing forced marriage or honour-based violence: 0800 599 9247. 
  • If you are a victim of honour-based violence or forced marriage you can contact the Forced Marriage Unit on 020 7008 0151 or by emailing
  • Rights of Women has two family law advice lines (one national and one for women in London) for women needing advice on domestic violence, abuse and family law. Rights of Women also provides guidance on domestic violence and the immigration law, for women who have experienced gender-based violence and need advice on their immigration status. 


  • The National Stalking Helpline provides information and advice on support and options available to those who are currently or have previously experienced stalking. 
  • Paladin is a national stalking advocacy service with a dedicated helpline that provides advice to victims of stalking including practical steps to help reduce the risk of stalking. 
  • FollowIt App is designed to help victim-survivors of stalking record what’s happening to them. Created with victim-survivors of stalking, the app lets you keep a log of stalking incidents. The app is tailored to Scots law but can be used regardless of whether you decide to report it to the police or not. 
  • The Scottish Government provides practical advice and stalking support for victims of stalking, including how to report it and other forms of support. 
  • Victim Support Scotland and Victim Support (for those living in England) provide more information, practical help and advice for those experiencing stalking. 
  • SupportLine provides practical and confidential emotional support for those experiencing stalking.  

If you would like to submit information on a support service that you think might be useful to others, please contact us with details by using the Talk to Us link in the top right-hand corner of this page (link opens new email message).  

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There are two ways you can tell us what happened