If you think you or someone you know has experienced sexual harassment there is a lot of support available within the University and externally. Talking things through with someone you trust such as a friend, relative, or colleague can sometimes help.

If there is an immediate danger call 999 (or 112 from a mobile). If you are on campus, you can request support from Security by calling 0141 848 3505 (all Scottish campuses) and 0141 848 3047 (for London), or use the SafeZone app. The SafeZone app enables users to call for help and assistance, giving students and employees fast access to security whenever and wherever you are on campus. You can download the SafeZone app by clicking here.

University Support for Students and Employees:

  • UWS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team can be contacted via email at equality@uws.ac.uk. The team provides advice, support and guidance on equality, diversity and inclusion related issues to students, academic advisors and other employees in student-supporting roles.  
  • The University's Mediation Service offers an alternative dispute resolution approach; it is confidential and can help resolve a disagreement or conflict, with a colleague in the workplace or a fellow student.

University Support for Students:

  • The Hub is the first point of contact for support or questions that you may have during your student journey at UWS. There’s a Hub on every campus and online information and guidance can be accessed by clicking here. The Hub offers support and advice on issues affecting your student life, with signposting and referral to more specialist services. If you're not sure where to go, this is a good place to start.  
  • The University's Counselling Service provides confidential support via a team of professional counsellors. This service is available to all UWS students. You can make an appointment by contacting hub@uws.ac.uk
  • UWS Union Advice Service is a free confidential, impartial service where students can get advice and information on academic and personal issues, including advice on academic appeals and representation at hearings. The Advice Service is also a hate crime reporting centre. 
  • Personal Tutors. If you are a student you can talk to your personal tutor if you have concerns that are affecting either your course or within your personal life. If you do not know who your personal tutor is, you can find out by logging into Self Service Banner and clicking on personal tutor from the menu.  
  • Residence Life Team. If you are a student living in student accommodation you can access support from the Res Life Team by calling Paisley 0141 848 3159 or Ayr 01292 886316, or emailing accommodation@uws.ac.uk. The team can be an important source of guidance and support for students.  
  • Extenuating Circumstances. If you feel your studies have been affected by what has happened you can consider applying for extenuating circumstances. You can speak to your personal tutor if you have any questions or speak to an employee at The Hub. You can also get advice on the process from the Advice Centre in the Union.  

University Support for Employees:

  • People & Wellbeing. Your HR team members will be able to provide guidance and identify the support that’s available for you. You can email the team in confidence by clicking here.  
  • Health Assured is the University’s employee assistance programme. All UWS employees and their immediate family can instantly access free, confidential, personalised health and wellbeing advice and resources 24/7 365 days of the year. You can access full details of how to get in touch with Health Assured on the Employee Hub.  
  • Occupational Health is available to support you with any specific concerns you may have about your health and its impact on your wellbeing and role. You can find out more information and details on how to access this confidential service via the Employee Hub.

Other Sources of Support:

  • The Scottish Women's Rights Centre provides further information on the legal context of sexual harassment, including resources for seeking support if this has affected you or someone you know.
  • Rape Crisis Scotland is Scotland's leading organisation working to transform attitudes, improve responses and ultimately end rape and sexual violence in all its forms.
  • Rape Crisis England & Wales is the feminist charity working to end child sexual abuse, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment and all other forms of sexual violence.
  • Victim Support. When you report a crime to the police, they should automatically ask you if you would like help from an organisation like Victim Support. But anyone affected by crime can contact them directly – you don’t need to talk to the police to get Victim Support help.

If you would like to submit information on a support service that you think might help others, please contact us with details by using the Talk To Us link in the top right-hand corner of this page (link opens new message window).  

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There are two ways you can tell us what happened